
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This is too cool!!!! Today Chris and I decided to try the whole light on the belly thing. It was the coolest! She moved around a ton and even kept kicking the exact spot the light was coming through! If she doesn't like the light...she is just like Daddy....he hates the sun!!!!!

She's kicking me!

So on another note to this wonderful weekend....Isabella started kicking me! I know she has probably been doing it for some time but I have not been able to tell what was what! I know for sure now that those crazy feelings in there are her kicking me! It is insane to feel it and to have yet another confirmation that she is in there! I have these days where I just think I'm going crazy feeling things I have wanted to feel for years but nothing is really in there...I know that seems silly but I have wanted to be a mom for my whole life and if I had not seen the ultrasound with my own eyes, I would continue to believe I am just nuts! Any who...can't wait until the day comes when Chris can feel her too!

We're Back!!!

So....Disneyland was awesome!!!!! I mean, when is it not though! We had a blast being just the two of us. I have not been alone there with only one other person for a very long time so this trip was even more special to me. I usually have a horrible habit of turning it into a huge extravaganza all because of the Spring Break 2001 trip! Even with all the drama around me I still had a blast going with so many people because there was always something going on!
Chris and I did what is known as "Disneylanding." (Trust me, it is a real term.) We went on all the little rides you normally just pass up, saw all the shows you normally don't make the time to see, and took lots of fun pictures! We figured we would go now even with me pregnant because who in the world knows when we will be back! (Funny thing is, we already are planning Isabella's first trip next Christmas season!) The trip was even more fun because neither one of us had ever gone during the Halloweeen season!!! Hope you like the pics...promise to only post a few!

Monday, October 6, 2008


SO I was sitting around eating dinner tonight and felt this strange movement in my belly. I first said to myself..."No I can't be sick. I really need to go to work tomorrow!" But the movement was different. I realized after sitting still that it was a swooshing and rocking feeling instead of that nausea, bubbly feeling. It was Isabella!!!! I felt her for the first time today. Although, now that i look back on it, I might have been feeling her before and was just not aware of it!!! I am so excited!! Hopefully she will start kicking the junk out of me so it can be more interesting!! Tee hee hee!!

Baby Belly!

So I know many of you have asked for it and I refused to show you my icky self....but here ya go anyway!!! I'm currently 19 weeks!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Here she is!

She's a she!!!

So on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Chris and I went for our first ultrasound!!! We heard the heartbeat, got a DVD of the whole session and lots of fun pictures!! The coolest thing is that we found out it is a girl!!!! We just can't believe it's real! The minute the ultrasound came up on the screen and I saw that I was not crazy and a baby was actually growing in there...I started to cry! Bawl is more like it. It is just a dream long time coming! We can't wait for our little Isabella Marie to make it here approx. March 8, 2009!!!!